Branch Locations & Phone Numbers
34 Bates Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 782-7192
760 Minot Avenue, Auburn, ME 04210 (207) 753-0500
1176 Main Street, Monmouth, ME 04259 (207) 933-2667
Fax Numbers
Lewiston: (207) 782-5501
Auburn: (207) 753-0550
Monmouth: (207) 933-3261
Contact Great Falls FCU
E-mail communication to Great Falls Regional FCU may be used by credit union staff to respond to inquiries for service or information or improve services. Since e-mail communication may not be secure against interception by unauthorized individuals, we will not transmit sensitive or personal information that can compromise or violate your privacy and suggest that users seek alternatives to e-mail when it is necessary to provide Great Fall Regional FCU with such information.