Home > Who We Are > Become a Member > Membership Application

Membership Application

General Information

Please provide all the requested information. When you have completed the form, press the Submit button to send your application. If necessary, we will contact you for additional information.



Section 1: General Information
* Required Fields
Section 1
What account types do you want to open?
Are you a current member of Great Falls FCU?
Membership Eligibility:
Will there be a joint account holder on this application?

Section 2: Primary Applicant
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
 /   / 
Backup Withholding Tax:
Are you a U.S Citizen?

Home Address

Mailing Address (if different)

Current Employer

Section 3: Joint-Applicant (if not applicable, skip to Section 4)
Joint Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
 /   / 

Joint Applicant's Home Address

Mailing Address (if different)

Joint Applicant's Current Employer
Section 4: Initial $25 Deposit and ACH Information
We require a $25 initial deposit to become a member of Great Falls Federal Credit Union. This money goes on hold and can not be withdrawn until the member closes the account. Please supply your ACH Information from another financial institution so we may withdraw $25 for your initial deposit. If you decline to share this information, we require you to make the $25 initial deposit within 7 days or your account will be closed.
Account Type (select one):
Authorization & Disclaimer:
I have read and agree to Great Fall Federal Credit Union's Disclosure Agreement:
How would you like to be contacted?
Security Code: